
FTMS has been assisting its clients in sensitive litigation matters for the past forty years. In complex situations that require diverse expertise and a tailored, cross-disciplinary approach, FTMS lawyers craft strategies grounded in a deep mastery of the economic, social, legal, and media landscapes.

FTMS lawyers operate within and outside France, especially in French-speaking Africa, where the firm benefits from a strong reputation and an extensive network of correspondents. FTMS counts nine partners, including a distinguished university professor, and around thirty lawyers recognised as leading experts in business litigation, arbitration/ mediation, labor law, banking/finance, and criminal law. Over the past 10 years, three presidents and vice presidents of the Paris Bar Association, three Bar Council members, and six distinguished recipients of the coveted 'Secrétaires de la Conférence' title came from FTMS.

Acclaimed for their expertise in their respective fields, FTMS lawyers also have a wealth of experience from prestigious French and International law firms. Standing out as a paramount figure in litigation, FTMS demonstrates an exceptional agility in foreseeing the legal, regulatory, and reputational risks inherent to the fast-paced business landscape. FTMS lawyers assist industry leaders and executives in shaping their social and environmental governance strategies, focusing on due diligence and compliance obligations. They are also proficient in navigating the social intricacies of corporate restructuring.

FTMS is an independent firm driven by the core values of the legal profession, with a strong commitment to serving civil society and embracing a global perspective.


Business Litigation - Arbitration

FTMS assists companies and individuals before French and international jurisdictions and in arbitration proceedings. FTMS lawyers have specific expertise in handling complex and strategic litigation matters, enabling them to serve as counsel or arbitrators across diverse procedural contexts.

Criminal Law

FTMS assists individuals and entities in high-profile criminal cases, in France, abroad, or before international courts. Thanks to over three decades of expertise in handling major criminal matters, FTMS excels in preventing and managing the legal and reputational risks faced by their clients. Accustomed to high-stakes cases and to working under media scrutiny, FTMS lawyers also guide their clients in crafting effective communication strategies.

Banking & Finance

FTMS provides its domestic and international clients with extensive expertise in banking and finance law, including contractual and regulatory aspects. FTMS lawyers assist stakeholders in settling their disputes in the banking, finance, insurance and asset management sectors, as well as in Fintech and Regtech.

Labor and Employment Law

FTMS assists its clients (French and foreign companies, business leaders and executives, holders of delegated authority) in all issues they may encounter in employment, labor and social affairs matters, whether at an individual or collective level.


Nos associés Pierre-Olivier Sur et Mathias
dans Le Monde

“La justice ne se rend pas sur les plateaux de chaînes d’information”.

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Article de notre associé Silvestre Tandeau de Marsac dans Investissement Conseils

“Responsabilité des CGP: quand commence à courir la prescription?”

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Notre associé Mathias Chichportich sur RTL chez
Mohamed Bouhafsi

À propos de la présomption d’innocence : “Je ne supporte plus cette injonction qui consiste à considérer qu’il faut être d’un coté ou de l’autre”.


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Notre associé Silvestre Tandeau de Marsac dans une interview à l’Agefi Patrimoine

“Les incertitudes consécutives aux critères de déréférencement des unités de compte nuisent aux souscripteurs”

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Notre associé Marc Henry dans La Lettre des Juristes d’Affaires 

“La reconnaissance de l’autorité de l’arbitre en réponse à la question morale dans l’arbitrage”

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Contact us

Wishing to contact or join us ? please send your message at :

67, boulevard Malesherbes, 75008 Paris, France
Saint Augustin, Saint-Lazare, Villiers
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67, boulevard Malesherbes, 75008 Paris, France
Saint Augustin, Saint-Lazare, Villiers
logo de la ligne 20 du reseau bus logo de la ligne 93 du reseau bus Lisbonne - Mairie du 8e